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Why air quality testing is important for real estate professionals

Are you a real estate investor? Do you own and rent out multiple properties around a specific area? Then air quality testing will be an important service for your business. Many landlords don't think about this, but having quality air in tenant properties can elevate your brand and prevent you from incurring costly lawsuits.

Indeed, landlords are responsible for ensuring that their properties are free from mould, bacteria and contaminated water that can affect the health of their residents. Being negligent of these responsibilities can prove to be costly.

As a landlord, you should hire an air quality consultant to test your indoor air and water supply. Such testing can help you in the following ways.

1. Eliminate mould from your properties

Mould and mildew are one of the most common air contaminants in homes. Any place that has moisture can turn into a breeding ground for mould. From leaking pipes to damaged bathroom floors, mould is always lurking in the shadows and ready to release harmful spores into the air.

Regular air quality testing can help you detect a mould presence in your properties so you can address the cause of the problem. This should be done periodically and right before a tenant plans to move into the home.

Air quality consultants use advanced techniques to detect mould even in low concentrations. They're also up to date with legal regulations and can ensure that you remain on the right side of the law.

2. Keep dirt and germs at a minimum

Other common air contaminants in homes are dirt and germs. Dirt particles from outside can affect indoor air quality and agitate respiratory complications. Before you rent out a property, have the indoor air inspected by an air quality professional.

Such professionals use advanced techniques such as infrared testing to determine the concentration of dirt and dust in the air. You can then take steps to purify this air by using filters, cleaning out your HVAC and taking other relevant measures.

3. Ensure a quality water supply

The quality of your water supply may also affect tenants who reside in your properties. An air quality consultant can regularly test your tap water for bacteria, heavy metals (such as lead) and other foreign debris. Catching contaminants early on keeps tenants safe and also protects your plumbing system from damage.

You can rely on the air quality services provided by these professionals to make informed decisions moving forward. And with a safe environment offered to all tenants, you can further elevate your brand and attract more residents to your property.